Kann ich mit diesem Ticket nocheinmal fahren?
Ich habe dieses Ticket vor 3 Tagen gekauft und bin damit gefahren, wurde aber nicht kontrolliert.
Kann ich damit wieder fahren ? (also unter der Annahme das ich damit noch nicht gefahren bin, ich weiß mit einem Ticket womit man gefahren ist, darf man nicht nochmal fahren)
No, the ticket had a validity of 60 minutes according to DING tariff, and they clearly have already expired.
By the way, it can also be seen from the honeycomb numbers that it is a ticket from Send to Vöhringen. Only making the place names unrecognizable is useless. 😉
You Fox:P
No. That’s the date.
Of course you can take the ticket again.
But if you get caught, it’ll be expensive.
There’s a date on it.
No. You can’t. Unless you want black driving.
Hi, no, there’s a date and a time on it. Also the departure and destination.
These local tickets are valid only immediately after purchase for a certain period of time in which the route can be handled.
In addition, also only for the described direction. You can’t go back.
No, if you get caught, you’ll pay 60€
No, the stupid thing is that there’s the date. So he sees (if you are controlled) That it is no longer valid and you therefore drive black. Better buy a new ticket unless you want to pay.