Kann ich mit dem Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro direkt drucken?
Hallo zusammen, ich überlege, mir den folgenden 3D-Drucker zuzulegen:
ELEGOO Neptune 4 Pro FDM 3D -Drucker – ELEGOO EU
Mein Problem ist allerdings, dass ich nicht zu 100% affin mit der Technik bin und mir anhand des Angebots nicht sicher bin, ob ich direkt mit dem Drucker, den ich bestelle, drucken kann. Das bedeutet, ich weiß leider nicht, ob Düse und Extruder direkt mitgeliefert werden oder ich diese, wie unten angeboten, dazukaufen muss. Kann mir da vielleicht jemand weiterhelfen?
An extruder and a complete hot end are part of the printer and are accordingly always contained.
But you also need filament and of course you need a computer on which you can slice your 3D models.
It’s clear to me in terms of program technology that I just downloaded the slicer from the Elegoo website and would have assumed that he does, right?
Buy each slicer for each printer.
Oh, yes, as far as the filament is concerned, be not too economical. Cheap filaments can cause some problems when printing. I have good experiences with Overture, Sunlu and Polymaker.
The filaments of the printer manufacturers are simply filaments of suppliers on which the printer manufacturer sticks his name.
The stuff is usually quite fine, but usually somewhat more expensive than directly from the manufacturer of the filament.
In principle, the slicer uses a list of commands for the printer that the printer interprets.
If you have something spliced, you can watch the GCode in a text editor like Notepad++.
As far as the machine limits and presets for speeds are concerned, the slicers resort to a database where they obtain this information.
For example, the Prusaslicer has print profiles for printers from Elegoo, Anycubic or Creality.
Okay, thanks, I just bought 2kg from the original filament of the manufacturer for the start, I think I’m coming over the rounds for a while and PLA should also work.
But as far as the slicer is concerned, can I really take everyone? I mean, I would expect the hold to be compatible with the printer, because it has to regulate the whole size of the print area, etc…
Hi, there’s everything you need. Only filament you have to buy extra, but that’s the case with all printers. In the beginning I recommend PLA or If you want to print high speed, what the printer is capable of, High Speed PLA.
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