Kann ich mit 2k Netto mir ein CLA 180 leisten?
Also es geht darum ob ich mir ein Cla 180 leisten kann mit 2K Netto. Habe keine anderen Kosten lebe bei meiner Mama.
Welche Kosten kommen auf mich zu was Versicherung usw Betrifft ?
Brauche keine genauen Zahlen aber ca am besten.
Man kann ja auch Jährlich usw die sachen bezahlen. Erklärt mir ruhig , wenn ihr bock draug habt. Danke euch
What have you saved for the purchase?
Insurance costs depend on several factors. SF class, driving performance per year and place of residence (and and and) At the 180’s, I don’t have too much driving power, but there’s no data about your person. What protection do you want?
You can best answer this and enter it at Check24, for example. Then you know what it is.
Tax should be somewhere at 100-150€ for the small engine.
Service every year 250-500€. Depending on what becomes due, whether large or small service.
Consumption depends on your driving style and the route profile. However, 6l can also be 10l. If you are not only driving city traffic and short distance or full gas on the highway and going towards 10l, you have chosen the wrong motorization.
Wearing is manageable when you drive properly. Tires are not more expensive than an AMG line, brakes are small and not expensive.
But, no matter if you’re a starter or 30 years ago, I’d forget the 180. Look for a 200. 122 PS are just too little. The maintenance costs are manageable, but still noticeable (degree for annual service) and for this the entry motorization is not the right choice.
Thank you
You’re 17 and you don’t have a job like you want to do a CLA?
What does that have to do with my question? Keep your pointless comments for you
Of course this has something to do with your question. Because you won’t do it anyway, so it’s pointless.