Kann ich mit 14 alleine Zug fahren?

Hi ,ich wollte mit dem 9€ Ticket ca.2h mit dem Zug nach Regensburg zu meiner Cousine fahren.Ich müsste normalerweise keinmal umsteigen und sie würde mich dann abholen.Meine Mama und Verwandten meinten das es voll ok wäre mit 14 Mal alleine zu fahren aber mein Papa ist auch da noch nicht so sicher er meinte ich wäre ja erst 14.

Was glaubt ihr schaffe ich das alleine?

Und wie kann ich meinen Papa überreden?

Seid ihr mir 14 auch schon alleine Zug gefahren?

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2 years ago

Is a good question… Unfortunately, we can’t tell you if you can, that’s presupposes you know how to do that.

But I assume that your questions should be called “Do I ask?”, then clearly, yes

at my school time, pupils arrived in the 5th grade by train… Why not!?

In addition, DB AG provides information free and binding and willingly

Alone on the train: Tips & Tricks for single children (bahn.de)

2 years ago
Reply to  Rose1807

I don’t know how full it’s on the track.

Isn’t every track and every connection equal (overfilled)

Why don’t you just get the connections over http://www.db.de on

2 years ago

I don’t know you, but I think you can do it. At 14 I was on my own by train. Nice ride.

2 years ago

Whether you can, we don’t know how many times you’ve been driving alone.

You can also drive six years to school by train.

I drove 10 to the aunt in Berlin. A couple of decades ago, there were no ads not saying nothing. I wrote up the individual stops when I was driving.

A village near Brandenburg

Means to Brandenburg by bus

Then train to Ostbahnhof




You can see how full the trains are at the connecting trip.


Click on local transport

2 years ago

I think you are really old enough. I went by train at the age of several countries alone because my parents always wanted to get rid of me during the summer holidays and therefore sent to relatives, sailing courses, etc. If your parents don’t mind that you’re driving by train alone, discuss the reasons with them.

2 years ago

Yes I did, and with us in county, some also travel by train to the next primary school without parents.

2 years ago


2 years ago

It should be okay with 14. You just have to make sure that you get the right (regional) train – and not sleep your destination…. gggg

2 years ago
Reply to  gri1su

well DAS can also happen to you with 40 or 60;)

The class used to be: the sheepman was nicely asked to check if he woke a station before: always worked well

2 years ago

Of course you can

2 years ago

Surely that’s okay.

2 years ago

Yeah, you can.

Your dad’s messing up.