Kann ich mit 13 Jahren angezeigt werden weil ich Sticker von einer Person auf WhatsApp hatte?
Ich hatte mal Sticker von einer Person mit der ich Streit hatte hab die Sticker aber nur ihr geschickt und einer Freundin jetzt sagt sie sie will mich anzeigen kann sie das tun obwohl ich die Sticker nicht mehr habe auf meinem Handy ?
No because you are under 14 years old
but can there be any fine? I will be 14 in the summer
Since it’s nothing bad and you don’t have the sticker like you said no longer come looking for a fine in Germany but will not be awarded any fines to under 14 year olds even if you are 14 years old this summer
You can also see children when they get punished. The prosecutor’s office will then determine and, if necessary, turn on youth office and family court. In this case, however, not.
At 13 you’re not criminal, so nothing will happen to you. Children like to watch.
Yes the thing is the person is already 15 and I will be 14 in summer
Neither police nor public prosecution have time and desire to deal with children’s stuff. In addition, you are not criminal with your 13 years, even if you become 14 in summer.
thank you
And for this, the stuff is already deleted, so there is actually no longer a target that could still reach an ad in this case. A measurable damage has not occurred.