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Yeah, you can. But why do you want that? For the first thing: after his purpose, you cannot use the car in everyday life (except you put the rest of your money ready for penance)
Second: An appearance with it is extremely embarrassing for someone who didn’t get it out of the parental roof as soon as this makel becomes known. You make yourself a joke, a cliché.
You can enter the data here:
The GTR is also listed…
I am from Switzerland .
Take off at home, stand on your own legs.
Then the car not only costs the leasing rate, but also fuel, maintenance and reperature. Are at the easy 1,500 to 2,000 a month.
A set of tires or brakes costs a similar amount and then nothing has been broken or an inspection.
I drive myself two of my dream cars, but I only allowed myself to do that after the apartment, financial reserves, etc. were there and I bought both of them. Leasing wouldn’t be a question for me, especially not for a car I call my dream car. It is bought and then maintained and well treated. If I don’t have the money, I’m saving and working on it!
The 1,500 – 2,000 are inclusive leasing.
I just saw you’re 16 years old.
Kleiner go first to work and become adult 🙄
800Fr doesn’t sound real. If that’s what I think you could afford the car.
But there is still lack of fuel, maintenance, repair and inspection. Furthermore, it would be quite irresponsible to have a beginner run with such a car 🤨
WAs you deserve a nice month and what is the cost of the car in the month?
5000Fr a month the car costs leasing a month 800Fr
Why do you deserve so much? What are you doing professionally?
Then why don’t you buy a rat?
A few days ago, he was a kid. There is no need for any further comments.
He doesn’t, the guy is 16
Do you have to go to the race track regularly or go back and forth on the Deutsche Autobahn?
If you don’t need it, even if it’s your dream car.
Have you already completed safety trainings or years of experience with vehicles that have a lot of performance? If not, just in winter, such a super sports car is not easy to master and definitely nothing for a beginner.
They’re almost 50,000 SFr.
For the money you also get a used one and that belongs to you in the end
So each of the decent drives does not bring me anything because it is my traumauto and I also drive in the oppositely decent.
I meant 800sfr.
800 SFR
, not 800€
I also find in Switzerland is 800€ quite a lot of money. I would never want to spend so much money for a car. You can’t drive faster than 130 km/h, which is useful if you have over 300hp and your car can drive over 250 km/h and you’ll never enjoy it? Really stupid.
I find Leasing top is for the 5 years I give it off or extend it. 800 Fr is nicjt a lot? Don’t live in Germany. Maybe you got nicjt coming out of silence.
Leasing? The car will never belong to you. I think that’s stupid, because the leasing rate is far too high.
I live in Switzerland if you didn’t find out. And I am a logistics company. Find Leasing better.
Then pay your costs.
Tax insurance gasoline and repairs.
You want to borrow another loan.
Why borrow?
You got anything? Okay.