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If you have a trade (!) you can also get a “company car”.
You can then use the car for commercial trips – not forget the travel book for the tax office! If you also want to use the car privately – why always – then you can’t charge the costs involved!
Whether this is worthwhile depends on the benefits and costs! For example, you need a completely different insurance for the car.
Depending on the situation, it is cheaper to use your private car and then to use it for work in the tax return. You should go through that (let) …
What you need a company car when you write about “Online Shop” and “Dropshipping”, you don’t explain to me, but also to the tax office!
You can. Whether the tax office recognizes it as a “business edition” or as a private pleasure, your tax advisor tells you
Depending on that. If you don’t need the car, don’t.
I also wanted to do, but I did not. Do not have an online shop but also an online business.
Hello dear,
if you can argue that accordingly, clear.
Best regards
You can buy KFZ as many as you want. Whether you call this “company car” or “flake sprinkler” is left to you. Replace “take” by “buying” because then it becomes clearer that what could have to do with money.
A company car is provided by the employer. Since you are your own employer, you can do this. Can stick a company logo on it. Whether and how far you can deduct from the tax, you should ask your tax advisor.
If you have the necessary credit and a car is necessary for work.
If you have an online shop, you can buy cars.
If you do not have an online shop, you can buy cars.
Aunt Hannelore can paint “company car” on her Opel cadet.
So what?
With the term corporate car, I connect a leasing.