Kann ich mir ein 435i leisten/unterhalten?
ich bin gerade kurz davor mir ein BMW 435i zu gönnen. Kenne mich aber 0 aus mit den Unterhaltungskosten etc.
Ich verdiene 3.300€ Konstant. Mit Zulagen kann es auch 3.700€ werden.
Wohne noch bei meinen Eltern. Monatliche Ausgaben für Verträge ( 350€ ) das wärs eigl.
15.009 Jahreskilometer!
Overview of car costs from A to Z | ADAC
As a rule, you can easily orient yourself to leasing rates. And yes, you will be able to afford it with the salary. Depends on your region and if you want to move out soon. It’s already a bar of money for the car, for it’s standing around while you work, boom, etc. If you drive a lot and also professionally, the company car is usually worth it.
Sure, if you live in the city center of Munich, you live in a hole to have the thing standing outside after your excerpt. Or just swing, so you can also get the part to drive 😀
It’s a luxury in your salary range that you’ll save elsewhere. The ones prefer to go nicely on holiday, saving for a property, the next one has a thick cart standing in front of the door.
I have a very simple rule: if I can’t calculate it myself, I can’t afford it.
you know your life. grade is nice, but you live from something. you can search (on the basis of your own data) in the network.
If the 3300€ are nice, I wouldn’t worry. If they’re gross, I’d look for something else.
I think the maintenance of our 435i can be overlooked, but at <2000 net and if I were still living at the Hotel Mama, I would have rather gotten a cheaper one.
Otherwise, I share the opinion of DodgeRT.
In principle, just ask yourself if you want to take smears in private life for a car
I always tend to say no if you have to ask this.
Is your salary gross or net? You want to live with Mommy and Papi forever?