Kann ich mir das Auto leisten?

Hallo, ich überlege aktuell mir ein neues Auto zu kaufen da es für meine Zwecke wahrscheinlich sinnvoller ist und mein aktuelles Auto (älterer 1er Bmw) so langsam den Geist aufgibt. Ich hatte mir überlegt einen gebrauchten Vw golf variant BJ 2016-2017 zu kaufen. Dieser soll ein Diesel und Automatik werden, da ich aktuell wegen Ausbildung täglich eine Strecke von 120 Kilometer habe. Mein altes Auto hat immer mehr Probleme und wird meines Erachtens nach nicht mehr allzu lange durchhalten. Der neue wird zwischen 12000-13500€ kosten. Aktuell verdiene ich ca. 1300€ netto und wohne noch bei meinen Eltern, also sind die sonstigen Ausgaben gering. Kann mir jemand einen Tipp geben, bzw. haltet ihr die Idee für sinnvoll wenn ich eine Anzahlung von ca. 4500€ leiste und den Rest finanziere?

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2 years ago

Automatic means cost trap. Damaly DSG are notorious for starter jerks, whose clutches wear, the replacement is extremely expensive.

And all this just to not have to put in a gang again and again???


2 years ago

You can’t finance with this net – you’re below the deposit line and thus not creditworthy

So if you want to buy this, you have to do it completely from your own financial resources :/

2 years ago

If the used does not have too many km, I think that is feasible and sensible.

The car should not be too old and not too many miles on it. It’s got to be a lot left.

And if you don’t have the 1,300€, you can pay off the box. You’ll have to run over your parents because you probably can’t finance as an azuub. But if you expect 500€/mtl, it is paid in about two years.

2 years ago

Debt making are never good: save better and pay cash. A car can also be driven 20 years. my first was even older. My tip: always only buy what you can pay. Aside from real estate. You never get into the debt trap. Even with little money.

2 years ago

so I also drive 25000- 30000 km in the year and in the miner invoice, no diesel is worth any more – due to the higher price levels and the absolutely worse resale value – the diesel as a private individual is only a money-saving machine

2 years ago
Reply to  Max9314

when were the portals? before the diesel price became higher than the gasoline – before the controls for diesel were set higher? before the big cities threw the diesel out?

so until 3-4 years ago – yes your statement is correct – but unfortunately no longer now.

they are long-bearers – yes the stimt – a diesel with 180000km I would still call a virgin.

But you want to spend 10-13000 €-a lso I guess it will be one with a maximum of 50000 km – so you want for the next 10 years with these auto planen soory- but in 10 years you won’t be able to run the same anymore – the will be more expensive and the diesel price too.

you are on the wooden path

2 years ago

yes- and with gasoline with your money- go to a maximum of 60,000 km- then, for the next few years, you are assured of running performance and then continue to see how everything has evolved.