Kann ich mich wegen Verstopfung krankschreiben lassen?
Ich verspüre dauernd den Drang, das Geschäft zu verrichten, aber es funktioniert nicht. Renne also ständig “grundlos” aufs Klo und fühle mich nicht so gut.
Meint ihr kann ich mich da problemlos krankschreiben lassen oder ist das zu wenig? Habt ihr das schon mal gemacht? Haben grad viel Arbeit auf der Arbeit
Congestion alone is usually not enough for a medical prescription, unless the complaints are strong. If you really feel uncomfortable, you should consult a doctor. He can judge your symptoms and decide whether a medical prescription is necessary.
Drink enough water, sober in the morning. Warm water is even more intense than room temperature and detoxifies strongly.
And take magnesium, magnesium leads well.
Maybe kill food. More fiber and drinking helps
You can buy yourself a deductant in the pharmacy, such as Macrogol or an inflow
Wouldn’t be necessary because you can treat it yourself in the normal case. Or the doctor writes something
That’s what a doctor can tell you. This can also initiate corresponding treatment.
it is stop on Saturday night