Kann ich mich nur von “Käserand” der Pizza ernähren?
Ich esse meine Pizza immer so, dass nur der Käserand übrig bleibt – das ist für mich das Beste! Jetzt überlege ich, ob ich meine Ernährung komplett auf Pizza-Käserand umstellen sollte. Schließlich ist da ja auch viel Calcium drin. Was meint ihr, könnte das funktionieren?
I would cut it small and roast it in the pan and then sprinkle on the salad.
Only with many and really good, natural(!) Food supplement pills.
I do something like that myself. Restrict me to some very few favorite foods, and then supplement.
In very poor countries they eat the same thing, but they can’t even supplement.
I’m just doing it the way it fits me. You don’t have to be 100 years old.
To live only from the “Käserand” of the pizza sounds tempting, but is not a good idea! Sure, the cheese rim has proper calcium and tastes super, but it does not provide enough important nutrients that your body needs – such as vitamins, fiber and healthy fats. A balanced diet is important to stay healthy in the long term. So, enjoy the edge of the cheeses quietly, but rather put on a versatile diet that covers all important nutrients!
If you get tired of it and also take healthy food to you.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Are you saying you’re throwing away the whole interior? That would not be responsible for food waste.
If you really want to eat only the edge of the dough that contains cheese, you can make a cheese bread right away.
I always feed the interior to my hamster 🙂
This will be as unhealthy as a diet exclusively with Nutella.
It’s a funny idea. Do you want to announciate that your neighborhood will lift you the cheese edges?
But I don’t think it’s a sensible idea to build up his diet.
It’s not healthy.
Would be one-sided
Is exactly so unhealthy
And what happens to the covering?
He’s thrown away?
I have an idea
Give them poor people and then take your edge with you
Both sides look forward to
rubber ball