Kann ich mich mit HPV infizieren wenn meine Freundin gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs geimpft ist?
Frage steht oben. Meine Freundin war/ist mein einziger Geschlechtspartner, kann ich mich dann mit HPV infizieren wenn ich nur mit ihr habe/hatte?
Bin ein Mann.
You can always get stuck, but if she’s vaccinated, you’re a bit protected.
If it has been vaccinated before it has plugged in, of course, you can’t stick with the subtypes against which the vaccine acts. This includes all HPV high-risk subtypes.
Yeah, you have to let yourself be vaccinated. The vaccination against this virus also exists for the man.
If you are infected with HPV, yes. Others can put it in spite of vaccination.
then it’s not a vaccination, is it? but a treatment…
Vaccination protects against illness or severe course. Not before being infected with the pathogen.