Kann ich meine Elfbar unbedenklich in die Tasche packen?

Kann was passieren, wenn ich meine Elfbar in die Handtasche packe? Kann die auslaufen oder anfangen zu brennen?

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8 months ago

We’re talking about the one-off devices with nicotine salt?

As a rule, nothing happens as long as your handbag does not heat up inside. If they get really warm inside (I’m talking about temperatures at 40c°,+), then it could run out (theoretically), but the likelihood is so low that I’ve never heard it.

8 months ago

Very unlikely (if it is a legal disposable “Vape” with 2ml liquid) that this disposable waste just starts to burn like that.

But GOODS Elfbar? This one-way scrap is so superfluous!

Just buy one EXPENDITURE ACTIVITIESwhich can be loaded and filled with liquid and as often as you want.

8 months ago

I’ve always got the Elfbar in the pocket, nothing happens!