Kann ich meine Aio Kühlung an der Seite Platzieren?
Hi, habe mir eine Aio zugelegt, habe die an die Seite des Gehäuses gemacht ist das so korrekt?
die Luft geht nach draußen.
Hi, habe mir eine Aio zugelegt, habe die an die Seite des Gehäuses gemacht ist das so korrekt?
die Luft geht nach draußen.
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Hallo ich suche eine gute Kühlmöglichkeit für den oben genannten Prozessor. Lautstärke stört mich nicht, Budget so um die 150€, kann aber im schlimmsten Fall hochgehen. Das Gehaüse wäre ein Corsair 5000D Airflow Danke schonmal
Moin Leude 🙂 Derzeit bin ich noch am Dekorieren und plane meinen Gaming PC in das Ikea Regal abzustellen statt es auf dem Ikea Regal stehen zu lassen. Links oben in der Ecke würde ich ein ausreichend großes Lochen machen. Jedoch frage ich mich nun, ob dieser neue Platz möglicherweise einen schlechten Einfluss auf den…
I think my previous speaker is wrong.
In principle, in each AiO a small part of air is in the system. This cannot be avoided during production. If you would now install the radiator with the hoses up in your PC, the radiator on/output would be the highest point in the system, i.e. the place where the air would collect. As a result, the probability that the pump draws air would be significantly higher. This is then noticeable by a slight glucking, and (actually only minimal) cuts at the service life of the pump.
As you have now installed the radiator, one of the better types of installation is actually, since the radiator on/off is not the highest point in the system. It would be even better if the radiator were installed at the top of the housing. That’s really mocking at high Nivau.
If you are interested in it, and the English language is powerful, I can give you this video of GamersNexus on the topic:
Thank you so much for making them different.
As you had previously installed it, it was the better way, but it is not tragic now.
I also told the FS, however, simplified that the pump should not be the highest point.
Water cooling is an Arctic Liquid Freezer. The radiators are significantly thicker there. Therefore, it would be possible that the VRM heat sinks are in the way.
My thought was, below the Intake with 2x 120mm or whatever is possible in the case. The excavator’s on the side.
Total Valide construction and thermal not really worse than Exhaust above.
As you can see on the picture, this is a pretty oven because no air comes in.
Thank you for your help!
You can place the cooling purely theoretically over all, just have to look where it best cools everything,
Yeah, you can do it. But if the AIO were to be installed in such a way that the hoses are up.
It also works, but better always if the pump (so in your case the part on the couch) is lower than the hoses on the radiator.
In principle, however, it will also work like this, but it is possible that your pump eventually draws air.
Thanks a lot
There’s a mistake with you. The air gathers up. Accordingly, the current installation mode is the better.
Do I understand your answer to the FS correctly? The installation with the inlet/outlet below is correct?
The pump, which is always in the CPU block at the LF, should not be the highest point.
So you have the pump up, as the highest point. Thus, if the pump is running, the air in the pump will collect. On the other hand, the air collects in the radiator, at the return and does not enter the pump.
Right. As shown in the picture, the pump is not the highest point, but the radiator away from the inlet/outlet.
See best here at minute 19:42: