Kann ich mein Konto überziehen?
Hallo, ich muss mir etwas online bestellen (Amazon) und da müsste mein Konto ca 1 Woche ins minus für ca 1100€ wäre das möglich? und nein ich habe keine Sucht und bitte fragt nicht wofür.
(Ich weiß das ich gerade so eine ähnliche Frage gestellt habe)
ich freue mich über ernste Antworten
No with 15 does not save money and buy it later
and to the other FS is 15 see other questions of FS
It depends on whether you have a dispo and how high it is. Otherwise, the bank will refuse the debit and then Amazon will get to the roof.
No, you’re not laughing. With 15 years you don’t have a dispo with your bank.and Amazon is also taboo for you.
This can only tell you your bank, call it best, so you can always find a solution.
1. In order to be able to transfer its account, the basic advancement is that you are fully annual. Minors are not eligible for credit.
2.) At Amazon order, this is only allowed from 18J – no matter what is ordered.
Wrong. Extract from the Amazon AGB:
“If you are under 18, you may use Amazon Services only with the participation of a parent or guardian.”
Wrong connection!
“Amazon Services” is different from Amazon orders.
And the customer is not asked when ordering whether he is full-year.
Then explain why minors are locked up at Amazon when they get caught.
Mom and Dad aren’t asked if they worked.
Maybe in your world. Orders are of course also included.
Only if a dispo is set up in a corresponding amount on your current account or if your bank would tolerate the transfer even without a dispo ( unlikely in height).
At 15 you won’t have a dispo. That means your bank would debit Amazon due to lack of coverage directly zbook back. Better leave it and wait a week until you have the money.
So if that’s what’s going on, it’s a schnapps.
Find out about your bank’s dispozins – a few days are clear (yes your account will certainly not be very positive again), but as a healthy thinking person you should make your fingers of such a nonsense.
a) you can’t say so flat. Ask your bank
b) goes only when you go to work & have regular income as the bank wants to be sure to get her money back
c) good advice: leave it. You’re almost out of the minis. This will give you much less money for the following months.
d) if you can’t afford something: save
do not buy on rates / transfer account
The question can only answer your bank. How should we know if and at what level your bank will give you a dispo?
He doesn’t have a dispo at 15.
If this is the first time, it will probably go without formal permission.
Such a cheese. If he/she doesn’t work it doesn’t work
How do you know if he works?