Kann ich mein handy umtauschen lassen?

Also ich vor kurzem ein neues handy von meinen Anbieter bekommen weil die 2 jahre frisst um war und ich ein neues bekommen konnte, also habe ich ein neues beantragt, aber die farbe gefällt mir nicht mehr.. kann ich es immernoch umtauschen lassen in einer anderen farbe? Mein anbieter ist o2

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3 months ago

Yes, you can if the purchase was by far. You have a 14-day withdrawal period. This, however, is not a change, but a return winding.

Simply contact the provider and describe your concerns. Then they can find a solution.

3 months ago

Did you use it?

Because: a warranty case is not..

3 months ago
Reply to  Karla817272

What does a guarantee have to do with a stupid purchasing decision? “Nothing”

3 months ago
Reply to  Karla817272

And how long is it in your possession?

3 months ago

Then ask for… You don’t have a right to exchange if you’ve already set it up and used it and made it all in a store.

However, if you have only acted online, the Far Sales Act applies. And with that you would have a right to exchange my knowledge of 14 days. Then: device in original packaging .. before of course factory reset.

3 months ago

What does the color have to do with the function? It works and with it Basta.

What can the company do if you don’t have your glasses when watching the advertising fan. “Pacta sunt servanda” contracts must be adhered to, purchased is bought!

And what does the colour of such an object of use care?

3 months ago
Reply to  HisMo1234

And what does the colour of such an object of use care?

Cover on and done. 😁