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You need a valid TÜV certificate. no registration
Usually you need the form. If you’re lucky and have a nice dedicated employee, the one at the testing organization will follow – but without a guarantee of success…
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It is, however, really handled differently in D. Some approval bodies want the original report, some of them have a copy, and some of them only have the entry in the old vehicle registration.
Service desert Germany.
This is handled differently. For us, the entry in the vehicle certificate is sufficient as proof of a valid HU.
With us in BW the stamp is not enough in appearance. You need the HU certificate.
Good dealer. Just take the car with you, TÜV doesn’t need a person, and those on the admission point don’t have to be so serious.
Fun aside. How do you get license plates without TÜV proof?
No, HU passed is a prerequisite for approval.
No, you need the Hu detection in used cars
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Without documents? Bad, then you have to go first to TÜV