Kann ich mein abitur wo anderes machen, obwohl ich zwei 6 auf dem zeugnis habe und rausgeschmissen wurde?
Ich bin in der 12 Klasse auf einem Gymnasium, hatte schonmal wiederholt und jetzt habe ich zwei 6 auf dem Zeugnis. Die Schule hat mich rausgeschmissen. Was kann ich nun machen? Darf ich mein Abitur wo anderes machen?
Another school will not take you with this testimony. With these notes, the score should also be utopian.
It doesn’t have to do any good.
Try to find an apprenticeship. Even this could be difficult in many professions.
What are you doing in the two six? If Mathe is there, many professions might fall flat.
Why do you want to do Abitur if you don’t seem to do it?
You can also get far with a real school degree. I don’t have any school or studies.
No, you can’t. You’d have to apply for something different with your certificate, and that’s what it says. you can’t repeat twice.
You could try a check at most, but at 2 6s….
You would then have the main school degree (HA10), or real school degree.
As far as I know, you can do your Abitur elsewhere. It is important that you apply early to other gymnasiums. Alternatively, it could be an evening gymnasium. But stay this time and if you are currently unable to make your Abi, you could consider the specialist. Good luck.
in NRW at any rate, you cannot repeat 2 x.
With these notes he/she will not take a school.
It won’t be. The other schools will also reject you. Your pupils always go with you and repeat twice is too much. Look at your federal state school law. There it is. You should look for a training place, but you won’t just get a bad witness.
It doesn’t make any sense because you don’t make the necessary services.