Kann ich Marmelade mit zerschreddertem Kern noch essen?
habe heute Zwetschgen- Marmelade im Thermomix gekocht.
Leider war ein Zwetschgenkern dabei… Konnte den halben Kern noch entfernen, due andere Hälfte hat es wohl geschreddert.
Stückchen könnte ich beim probieren nicht feststellen. Aber wie ist das mit der Blausäure? Macht ein halber Kern auf ca 1,8 kg Masse was aus?
As a rule, the amounts of hydrocyanic acid from a ground coke core in jam are very small. A single core contains hydrocyanic acid, which can be harmful to health when consumed in high quantities, but in the amount distributed in a large amount of jam, the danger is minimal. As long as you don’t eat large quantities at once, it should be safe. If you’re unsure, you can’t use the jam for the purpose or get an accurate assessment from an expert.
Plum seeds contain a lot of hydrocyanic acid. As long as you’re unharmed, nothing happens to you. If, however, they were damaged, which is the case with you with a splash core, there is already a health risk. I can’t tell you how high this is. Love
P.S.: In acute hydrocyanic acid poisoning, the following is to help:
Source: Internet (above) 4-dimethylaminophenol (4-DMAP) and sodium thiosulfate.
Isn’t the hydrocyanic acid broken by heating?
Your objection is justified. From 26 degrees the hydrocyanic acid volatilizes. So no more danger. LG