Kann ich jetzt vllt schwanger werden?

Hallo, ich habe Folgendes “Problem” also vor paar Tagen hatte ich Sex mit meinem Freund gehabt, und das Kondom ist in mir geplatzt, hab aber direkt die Pille danach genommen, das Problem jetzt ist ich bin mir nicht sich ob mein Eisprung schon war oder erst kommt. Hab schon seit Tagen komische Bauchschmerzen, kann das sein das ich schwanger bin?

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1 year ago

Security only brings you a pregnancy test, you can either make a normal test from the day when your period starts or an early test, which goes up to six days before. To make you not crazy, it would be more sensible to make a test from the day of your period. Maybe the pill could still work after that and you get your period and it all went well again.

The abdominal pain can come from the pill, from your worries or from a pregnancy (depending on how long the accident occurred).

1 year ago

Hii, it’s difficult to determine the exact time of your ovulation. The pill then increases the chances of preventing unwanted pregnancy. But if you’re worried, you better talk to a doctor to have 100% safety.

1 year ago

The symptoms can of course also be related to the pill afterwards. But there is probably no pregnancy.

1 year ago

The abdominal pain comes from the pill afterwards rather than from a minor pregnancy.

It’s not out of line. You have security if you get a pregnancy test.

1 year ago

can’t be sdein so exactly will nobody tell you

1 year ago

All possible.