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I would say here: Yes and No 🙂
Yeah, if you’re just visiting Japan.
No, if you are already a resident and have exceeded the transition period of 6 months to apply for a Japanese driving licence.
Then there’s something else in between:
You would be well advised to contact the Japanese Consulate and make a translation of your driving licence. The international driver’s license is just an addition to the existing driver’s license and usually does not use anything in Japan.
Then it would be good if you contacted the car rental company and refreshed your age. In Japan, until 20 years have been considered full-year, the scheme has only recently fallen. Many companies still retain the 20th limit, especially for loans, contracts or as here for renting vehicles.
The German international driving licence is not recognized in Japan. The second problem is that you wouldn’t hire a car company with 18.
With 18 it is unfortunately generally difficult to rent a car, most car rental companies even in Europe have a limit of 20 or 21 years and additionally require 1 or 2 years of driving licence ownership.
And Japan is still more conservative, there is the year of full age only since 2022 at 18, before it was 20 and 18/19 years old when it was still considered children.
International driving licences are often officially demanded, but in practice nobody wants to see him, especially if you already have a card guide, which you must have at your age.
The international driving licence is also only a white sheet with a symbolic representation of the driving class and the date of issue, as it is anyway at the back of the card driver’s license.
If then it will have a pink or even grey paper guide certificate for old people. Because there are only classes with numbers instead of letters and no symbols.
Let’s go. for example at Sixt:
“Age Restrictions
In Japan, the following rules apply for the minimum age and possession of a driver’s license:
Minimum age 18″
And of course, the German driving licence in Japan is recognized. You need a translation in Japanese:
“For Drivers from Switzerland / Germany / France / Belgium / Monaco / Taiwan:
A valid national driver’s license AND an official Japanese translation.The Japanese translation is only valid if issued by the relevant embassy or consulate in Japan, or by the Japan Automobile Federation” Source: also the link above.
That should go; However, it may be good to require the car rental agent a certain minimum age, i.e. older than 18.