Kann ich in 15 Jahren meine Nachnamen ändern dern?
Hallo ich bin 15 und mei Eltern sind seit Jahren geschieden,ich habe mit meine Vater keinen Kontakt mehr seit Jahren.Ich habe denn Nachnamen von meinem Vater möchte aber denn Nachnamen meiner Mutter geht Das und ist es kompliziert?
Danke schon mal im Voraus
I had a little information about whether you can change the last name if you have no more contact with the father, and that goes basically, but is a bit complicated. As a minor, one needs a good reason for the change of name and often the consent of the father, because he is entitled to care. If the father is not agreeable or cannot be found, one can submit an application to the family court and then decide whether it works without his consent. The whole thing is to be applied via the registry office or the name change authority, and one must also justify why one wants to change the name. It also costs something, usually between 25 and 250 euros, depending on how complicated the case is. If the justification is good and you have support from the mother or from the youth office, or from a lawyer the chances are quite good.
I think with the approval of parents it is certainly
Yes the father must agree
Not my knowledge
A procedure for enrollment could let your mother initiate a lawyer.