Kann ich im zweiten Gang fahren wenn Auto rollt?
Kann ich aus dem zweiten Gang aus trotzdem fahren auch wenn das Auto noch grade so noch rollt ? Beispielsweise wenn ich an eine rote Ampel anfahre und die wird grün aber ich z.b 3 km/h fahre, muss ich dann in den ersten schalten oder kann ich im zweiten bleiben und wenn ja, wie mache ich das. Letztens hab ich an der Ampel probiert, der Wagen hat noch gerollt und beim losfahren hat der gewackelt und ist ausgegangen. Wie mache ich das richtig? Ich hab ein Golf VI, 122PS
Go even in the sixth gear when you can handle the clutch. It doesn’t do well…
Since I have been driving cars (approximately 50 years and around the 100 different cars) I have never had one to drive in the 2nd gear, even if it is only 3 km/h. If it goes downhill when starting, you can easily even dispense with the 1st gear and start immediately at idle speed in the 2nd gear.
Okay.. can I know how it is with clutch?
You don’t have to press the clutch, the engine remains engaged. You can speed up any car without jerk.
Even when approaching the plane, you drive in first gear only a little 2 meters far and then you turn directly into the 2nd gear and only then give gas.
As long as you roll (even slowly) you do not need the clutch. The car remains locked. Even from these low speeds, you can just give gas if you want to accelerate and the engine willingly accepts it.
Try it!
Another question 😅. If I’m rolling slowly and I’m idle and then I want to go on, we’ll do this in the second gear, so in what ratio clutch gas will give?
Okay, so just give a little more gas..
Depending on the engine and transmission ratio.
With my wife’s car, it goes without a problem, with mine I would have to make the “reduction” in the clutch.
If you can do it without the engine jogging or you need to drag the clutch, you can do it.
go more gas with me it works easily. (Ford 1.5 L 150 ps)
2 gears.