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No. This must be at least one Mastercard or Visadebit. With the normal bank card, you can’t even pay in stores abroad because the card cannot be queried. The symbol for banks and cards has been mentioned. This merely means that these banks have a merger and customers of these banks can withdraw EU money for free.
This ” Bancomat” pays only with the bank cards from the respective country. For example, I can use my ital. Bancomat card except in Italy, not paying in any country in the world, or withdrawing money. I need the credit card.
No, that doesn’t mean it.
symbols like the Maestro in principle means that money can be raised or paid in stores, but they do not say anything about the costs incurred. Payouts to machines abroad are usually not free of charge with such cards, and deposits can be calculated for payments in foreign currency.
No, at least not at any bank. If the maestro symbol is on the map, it is often the case, especially with major international banks such as Citi, HSBC or something. Without a maestro symbol that runs out slowly and is no longer on newer cards, it is not possible.
I suppose you have a Girocard
with Maestro
Maestro can be used worldwide. And through this co-branding, the Girocard is also.
You can therefore withdraw money from all cash machines marked with Maestro.
If you already have a Debit Mastercard
or Debit Visa
you can have money at the marked vending machines worldwide.
With a Girocard with VPay
Co-branding can usually only be used throughout Europe to withdraw money from the VPay-labelled vending machines.
A Girocard without any co-branding, such as the new ones of the Comdirect, only work on marked machines in Germany.
This depends on which functions the card has:
The Girocard is practically only usable in Germany, Maestro almost worldwide and V mainly in Europe and beyond everywhere (so the indication of Visa) “where EMC technology with chip and PIN is available”.
Yes, but costs a lot of processing fees!!!
It depends.
No, it’s only with credit cards.
Applicable as your answer all 🙂