Kann ich gepfändetes Geld zurückholen?
Hallo Leute, mir wurden fast 700€ gepfändet. Kann ich das Geld irgendwie zurückholen oder kann die Bank mir das zurückbuchen? Oder geht das nicht? Mir ist das Geld wirklich wichtig, ich bekomme Bürgergeld. Danke schonmal im Vorraus.
It depends on the circumstances.
If a deposit and transfer order exists, basically no.
However, you should contact the executing court, the consumer center or a lawyer if necessary:
If you have transferred the money recently (one day), you can call the bank and cancel the transfer before the bank makes the transfer
The money was debited yesterday from my account.
A transfer wg. You can’t stop or undo attachment. (Also not if you have made it online yourself, and not three times when it was in charge of bank transfer;)
I didn’t make the transfer myself. The money was simply debited without my consent.
If you have a deposit on the account, you would have had to set up or relocate a PSK (protection account).
If the money has really been transferred to creditors, the money is gone and cannot be recovered. If it was “just” turned out/blocked, then you have a short time to switch to the PSK. Call your bank advisor on Monday tomorrow