Can I freeze meat like this?
Hi, I opened this packaged chicken the day before yesterday and froze it yesterday because I didn't have any more time.
Is that even possible, or should I have seared the meat?
Thank you 😅
Hi, I opened this packaged chicken the day before yesterday and froze it yesterday because I didn't have any more time.
Is that even possible, or should I have seared the meat?
Thank you 😅
I packed one for work but didn't eat it, and I didn't realize it until the next morning. So, the protein pudding had been unrefrigerated for about 24 hours… now it's been back in the fridge for a day or two. Is it still edible, or is it better not to?
I wanted to make the Maggz Tomato Soup Ghost Soup, but it doesn't say what heat setting I should use. My stove goes up to 975 ml. What heat setting
Wieso heißen Mineralstoffe z.B. Magnesium und Eisen wie Metalle? Sind es Metalle oder einfach nur Namen? LG
Hallo das geht in einem Gefrierbeutel und Datum drauf machen wann es in die Truhe oder Schrank getan hast,
Rohes Fleisch einzufrieren ist unproblematisch. Frisch sollte es sein und bald verbraucht werden, also in einigen Monaten.
Das geht so wenn es dann in einem Gefrierbeutel eingefroren wurde
Das dürfte kein Problem sein.