Kann ich etwas an meiner singtechnik verbessern?

Huhu ich habe seit kurzem angefangen zu singen und weiß jetzt nicht mehr was ich verbessern könnte. Habt ihr einpaar Vorschläge? Bitte nicht sagen das ich nur nicht singen kann



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1 year ago

Hi! The first song is hardly suitable to make a statement that doesn’t make your voice radiant. Hardly heights and depths, here I can only say that I needed a few seconds to see what language you sing. You can work on the debate.

The second song, respect, it was good. You have a beautiful voice color and certainly talent. But I think the level is already so that it would be better to get targeted and with KnowHow to make vocal coaching. It would be a pity to impede and restrict the facilities you have through wrong or bad technology.

Gruss and a lot of success.

1 year ago

The first song sounds a bit boring because you set little accents and the pronunciation is not as clear as it could be.

The second song sounds open, cheerful and fresh. Except for small deficits in the debate, it is about classes better than the first.

You have talent and a beautiful voice. If you get instructions from a singing teacher, you might earn money with it. It would be a shame if you didn’t promote it.

1 year ago


I think you’re singing very nicely, I think I’m amazing when you say that you just recently started!

If you sing German, I would recommend you to learn the words slowly and clearly, and then to sing at a speed. I find that if you speak something unequivocally in German, that sounds strange..

Best regards onecrazygirlxo 💕

1 year ago


I think you’ll sing very well when you start. Your pitch is good at the 2nd song. Next time you could make the words clearer so that you can understand the lyrics better and enjoy the song ;). If you train harder, I’m sure you’ll be a brilliant singer. So mega good in singing

You could visit another course that gives you critical feedback. You also do how to breathe properly, which makes many wrong, even some professional singers: inside. You could make your voice appear more bright, so sing bright. I can’t explain it that way, but I mean it that way. Your tone of your voice at 1. I don’t like video like that. So I mean the quality and so you know what I mean, you could look at YT, there are also tutorials, but a course would be better


1 year ago

Look for someone who can teach you this. There are people who give singing lessons.

1 year ago

If you really want to sing seriously, you need a singing teacher.