Kann ich einfach zum Schützenfest gehen und was würde mich da erwarten?


Ich war seit über 10 Jahren sozial ziemlich isoliert.

Jetzt ist am Wochenende in meiner Heimatstadt/Dorf Schützenfest.

Ich würde da schon gerne hingehen, aber kann ich da einfach so hingehen oder muss ich im Verein sein.

Wenn ich da hingehe, was sollte ich dort erwarten? Wird da auch getanzt? (Hab auf der Hochzeit meiner Cousine das Tanzen schätzen gelernt.)

Könnte ich da jemanden kennenlernen?

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

Sure you can go.

I think most of them will come in a lot more from the club.

But without a problem

It is eaten, drunk, celebrated

Certainly also danced

Of course no tango or Wiener Walzer

How to get to know people

1 year ago

Protective events are public events, everyone can go. As a rule, the actual festivities consist more of normal “beer fluctuating”, i.e. the whole is quasi “Octoberfest Light”. Mostly a music band plays and there is also usually a dance floor. Whether you can make contacts there depends on how contactful you are yourself and how openly the “locals” are to people they do not know themselves. In some “province nests” this is actually bad… that even after 20 years one is still “the dressed” to which one is distrustful.

1 year ago
Reply to  Werniman

Sometimes you have to enter numbers and for food and drinks anyway. That’s what you should pay attention to.I don’t know what sex you are, but you should be dressed in a fashion that is better and better if you want to get over. Have fun!

1 year ago

You can go like that what is expected to be a lot of alk, so jz is nothing bad. I’m sure it’s also danced, but in the late evening night only gets drunk.

1 year ago

Everyone is welcome on firefighters or firefighters. It may be that you have to pay admission.

1 year ago
Reply to  Simbacherin1

I had actually experienced this once!

First entrance and then the wine at expensive prices and the Schoppen had only 0.25l instead of 0.5l

Accordingly, it was badly visited there and the mood

Had never happened in the Palatinate

1 year ago

Protective parties are open to all visitors, a club membership is not necessary.

You expect a lot of brass music, in the evening mostly a band and many people.

Sure you can meet someone there when you look open and friendly. Then you’ll be addressed.