Kann ich einfach zu einem anderen Hausarzt spontan wechseln?


Ich bin erst vor Kurzem 18 geworden und noch relativ unerfahren, was so die ganzen Abläufe angeht. Ich habe aktuell Fieber und brauche einen Krankenschein für mindestens noch Montag.

Jetzt wollte ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, einfach spontan zu einem anderen näheren Hausarzt zu gehen? Meine Mutter hatte nur kritisiert, dass mein eigentlicher Hausarzt das in der elektronischen Patientenakte sehen könnte und mich nicht mehr behandeln möchte.


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2 months ago

Doctors see – lack of corresponding entry on the insured card – not whether or not you were with other doctors.

And there is no such thing as the elder patient record – is only introduced in a few regions.

So there’s no problem.

However, if you are simply accepted as a sponsor in a “new” practice, it is not safe because many practices are overcrowded and often no new Pat. accept more.

A call immediately in the morning can help to clarify this, either at the “old” HA – where you can get the Sickness / AU by phone, or at your (intended) new HA.

Good improvement!

2 months ago
Reply to  LinaSchmidt608


… but why “Lina”?


2 months ago


(I thought so)

2 months ago

Yes, You can go to the doctor’s office and make an acupuncture.

I haven’t had to, but my family doctor said this was possible.

2 months ago
Reply to  LinaSchmidt608

Here you go.

2 months ago


In Germany we have a free doctor’s choice. That means you can choose your doctor. If you change the doctor, however, you can assume that the doctor you have been asked to do so and of course a complete anamnese is made first, because the new doctor does not know you yet.

2 months ago

Now I wanted to ask if it’s possible to just go spontaneously to another close pediatrician?

Try it.

Nowadays, it is more likely to ask if you are going to accept another practice than new patients.

In addition, ePA is only tested in 3 regions.