Kann ich einfach so einen hohen Geldbetrag verschenken?
Vor kurzem kam mir folgende Frage auf: Kann ich einfach zur Bank gehen, einen hohen Geldbetrag abheben und ihn einfach so verschenken, damit sich ein anderer davon etwas teures kaufen kann?
Kann ich auch einfach so teure Gegenstände verschenken?
Depending on the amount and relationship with the recipient, donation tax is payable.
It doesn’t stop giving anything!
Fictitious example: You give your daughter half a million.
The allowance for children is about €400,000 per parent. Thus, if a father of his daughter gives half a MIO, 400,000€ are tax-free and for the Euros 400.001-500000 the donated 11 % donation tax, i.e. 11,000€
€250,000 is free of charge every 10 years, and donation tax is charged.
Will any property for sale be presented on the Internet so that it can also be found there? Or is there somewhere else to see where and whether a property is to be sold?
You can’t say that in general.
Yeah. Does that make sense to give a house to his daughter, who then sells it again because there is no real need for it?
Of course. You mean something like a house? Then you give away the value of the house. Here too, the allowances are decisive.
Can you also give away immovable items of higher value?
However, such sums are subject to registration.
Yes, § 30 ErbStG. There is no limit for the notification.
Even if the amount is below the free limit, must an application be made?
The donation must be registered with the tax office. If the recipient spends all the money and therefore cannot pay the donation tax, this is his personal problem. Then the tax office will pass on the tax debt to its execution and this will drive the tax debt.
And no office has anything to do with such processes? What happens if the recipient immediately buys something expensive of it? Nothing?
Legally correct this only goes through a notary gift and the recipient must of course also tax the gift.
There are allowances for donation in Germany. What goes beyond this is subject to the donation tax, that is, the donation must be registered with the tax office.