Kann ich eine Paketmarke auf einem kraftpapier versandbeutel kleben und verschicken?


ich möchte eine Jeans verschicken und habe leider keine Kartons da, könnte ich eine packetmarke (DHL Packet S für 3,99€) auf einen versandbeutel kleben und dann problemlos verschicken?

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5 months ago

No, I’m sorry. The consignment must be cuboid, in packages and packets.

Your shipment may be packaged only in package form (square) or in roll form* (up to 5 kg) while maintaining the maximum dimensions. All other forms are bulk material.

If you make something very thin, the show is a cuboid, but then it does not reach the minimum.

Minimum dimensions: in principle 15 × 11 × 1 cm, but no minimum height for parcels XS International.

If it fits into the envelope, it should actually be a shipment for 2.55€, right? (Could then be lower than 5cm high)

(Or Maxibrief when it goes faster)

5 months ago

… could I glue a packet brand (DHL Packet S for 3,99€) on a shipping bag…?

There is no “DHL Package S” package brand. Apparently, you want to send a package, which must be cuboid. This is not the case with a shipping bag.
So if you’re in bad luck, you’ll have to pay for bulk goods.
If it matches the dimensions and weight, you can send the bag as a “Great/Maxi letter” or “goods shipment”.

5 months ago
Reply to  lilatrudi

Definitely not! Locked goods only at 1.2 meters…


Ships for which one or more of the following characteristics are considered as bulk material:

  • exceeding the package height in at least one dimension (DHL package 120 x 60 x 60 cm; Roll* to 5 kg, length 120 cm or Diameter 15 cm
  • Not cuboid or roller shape
  • Outstanding parts
  • Packaging other than paperboard or paper
  • Unpacked luggage like suitcases and travel bags

. A letter envelope can be sent wonderfully as a package. I’ve sent a lot of stuff. Partial Tools etc.)

Please don’t write that if it’s not correct. (not mean evil) . ðŸ ̃‰. Beautiful evening still. And my regards.

5 months ago
Reply to  Meister88216

Locked goods only at 1.2 meters…

Nö, even in your ensemble: “Weder quader-shaped…ist”.(I mentioned at the beginning.) And that’s not a shipping bag.

A letter envelope can be sent wonderfully as a package.

Sure, you can do a lot. But it’s not always going through. I therefore referred to the postal charges and the possible consequences.

Please don’t write that if it’s not correct.

Wouldn’t fall into my dream. Unfortunately, my answers often leave comments based on hearings or own experiences, but are contrary to postal regulations.

5 months ago

DHLBagsSto 2 kg to 35 x 25 x 10 cm

if it does not exceed the measurements, you can do that.


5 months ago
Reply to  Meister88216

Minimum dimensions: in principle 15 × 11 × 1 cm, but no minimum height for parcels XS International.

The 1cm sidn may not be given

In addition:

Your shipment may be packaged only in package form (square) or in roll form* (up to 5 kg) while maintaining the maximum dimensions. All other forms are bulk material.

5 months ago
Reply to  Meister88216

If your bag is larger, you can simply fold it over and fix it with adhesive tape. It’s not about how big he was.

great success 🍀👍