Kann ich eine M.2 SSD auch in den zweiten Slot einbauen?
Ich wollte mir eine M.2 SSD zulegen und wollte wissen ob ich diese in den zweiten Slot einbauen kann, da der erste Slot sowohl von dem CPU kühler und meiner GPU sehr blockiert ist und kaum zu erreichen. Somit wollte ich wissen ob ich die SSD auch in den zweiten Slot einbauen kann oder ich meinen GPU rausnehmen muss um an den ersten Slot dran zukommen. Danke
A M.2-SSD with NVMe (now almost all) has to stop in an M-key slot.
You need to see if the slot has the M-key (you recognize at the position of the small plastic web that needs to fit into a corresponding recess in the plug-in card) – if so, should it work – if not, the plug-in card does not fit in.
I don’t think you’re gonna have to take the slots “by row”. I assume that the PCI-Express x4 support if they have an M key, although this is not necessarily necessary. (For less lanes, the maximum transmission speed is simply reduced.)
As a rule, the connection is poorer, whereby the nvme may not get its full power.
It can also be that certain sata ports are switched off when you use the lower one.
Look into the manual of the motherboard. Then you know if it’s wise to use the lower slot.
Yes, as PCIe 3.0 is still widespread today, is often only a slot PCIe 4.0. A PCIe 4.0 SSD should also be in the right slot.
First of all, see if the two M.2 slots are equivalent in the connection.
Aside from that, you build an M.2 and then you stay there. You don’t have to be able to access it comfortably.
I would keep the 2nd better accessible slot free if I would like to add another M.2 later.