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2 years ago

You have to be able to unsubscribe from emails. For this, there is usually a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of the email. In rare cases, you have to unsubscribe via the website which sends the email, for example Amazon.

2 years ago

Nothing? This would be a found eating for lawyers who like to sue pages to offer no possibility to unsubscribe.

2 years ago

That’s a shame, of course.

2 years ago

I’ll see a lot of answers here, maybe one will help you.

2 years ago

What’s going on?

2 years ago

No, no, I meant that there are lawyers who do nothing else for the dear long day, erroneous impression and also e-mail from whom you can not unsubscribe and sue them. Therefore, normally every provider looks to be able to unsubscribe because nobody wants a complaint.

2 years ago

If you only want to allow emails from the known senders, it would be the simplest solution.

This is very good in your case, as you know what games you want to be informed about.

Depending on the e-mail provider, this is quite simple, or you do it with an e-mail program (on the PC). There are also rules that can be refined with time.

Here you can also read this as you have not called a target system and provider.

2 years ago

Gmail is Google-mail. You can’t set up from the mobile phone, so you can only get every single contact in the blocking list. That’s a little restricted in the act.

But gmail is also listed in the above link, only it must be executed by the laptop or by a computer or by a browser. However, this is a “upgrade” from gmai, because it is then linked to a Google account. The extended filter rules can then be set up there.

With free google services you always pay with your data.

2 years ago

for this you can create filter rules.

then emails with keywords do not even come to the spam folder

2 years ago

you can read, define and set this on the page of your mail provider

2 years ago

then you need to log in to Gmail and set filter rules in the settings

2 years ago

what is behind the @….?

2 years ago

There’s his app that clear fox means you can filter it