Kann ich ein Key auf einem neuen steam Account aktivieren?
Ich habe mir heute einen neuen Account erstellt auf Steam. Wie man weiß habe ich Einschränkung bis ich in Steam mindestens 5€ ausgegeben habe. Kann ich dennoch ein Key kaufen und einlösen um diese Einschränkung zu beheben?
Oder muss ich dennoch was im Markt kaufen. Das wäre leider nur money waste.
Spiel kostet auf Steam: 13,99€ (Valve Game)
(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)
You have to either charge the account with 5 €, or just something for at least. 5 € for sale.
A key doesn’t help.
You can redeem a key, but it does not lift the restriction.
You don’t have to: He can still add YOU as a friend and you can accept this.
For the 5€ you don’t have to buy something, you can also charge it as a credit and, for example, buy some poison or skins to your main account at some point, or
That’s the answer that helped me. Something like that, but I didn’t know how. Thank you
No, you need to buy at least 5€ directly on Steam.
Let me guess… loose mouthpiece, or cheated? (Always these kids…)
No, I’m MGE and stupid cheater. I want to play with nem buddy who is unfortunately very bad (mainly consoles player) and therefore I get other account so he can also play with me. Who wants a MGE in the Full Lobby as Silver? And who wants a silver in the lobby as MGE?
Don’t be so prestige 🙂 but I forgive you.
I’m detesting players who pretend to be a beginner and draw an advantage from it… your “cumbling” should just stand out when he plays against stronger, he learns more anyway.
I didn’t ask for forgiveness.