Kann ich ein iPhone anonym nutzen?
Ich habe gehört beim iPhone muss man ein Konto anlegen um es nutzen zu können. Aber ich kann doch Fantasienamen eingeben und es so anonym nutzen. Oder?
Ich habe gehört beim iPhone muss man ein Konto anlegen um es nutzen zu können. Aber ich kann doch Fantasienamen eingeben und es so anonym nutzen. Oder?
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First you need to insert a SIM, and you need to register for it. So no anonymous.
Apple account and name can you theoretically fake for a moment.
But then your SIM card will transmit the phone type to the server, and telephone connection data, etc.
And as soon as you use apps and the internet, it is def. past with anonymity, from then on a profile is created by you, with which within a short time a raster flag is possible according to all conceivable search criteria.
I don’t have to insert a SIM card if I just want to use WiFi. Or I use a pre-registered from another country.
ok, so you just want to use a smartPHONE as a small computer and thus only in local WiFis on the Internet? Not mobile? No phone numbers?
Then it goes “anonym”, but just: your Internet tracks will soon make you identifiable.
There are enough countries in the world where you can buy a SIM and use it immediately. Probably this card is not registered on anyone.
I want someone to explain how to assign the traces without a SIM to my name.
I want to be anonymous for cyber criminals and all those who want to use my data for their purposes.
No, you didn’t say that, you just mentioned it as a possibility.
What’s “pre-registered”? So that’s someone else? Then you can damage him…
And over the traces on the Internet, God knows enough. Who do you want to stay anonymous to?
I said, or I’m using a pre-registered SIM. Which traces make me identifiable? Authorities or cyber criminals request my SIM and, where appropriate, Apple or Google account. If they don’t get along, there’s no trace.
1. Why do so many people say that? Are they stupid?
Two. A smartphone is not anonymous. I’ll use it anonymously by never adding my name.
3. Why not?
Nope. Every Wlan you connect, every time you use GPS, every time you take a photo and every time someone sees you with the phone, it doesn’t make anonymous anymore. Just aside from the spyware that Apple has so on, the IMEI number that you have bought it, and the metadata you otherwise leave.
So. You can do one thing and you have to do that with the new IOS. I’ve gone so far and thought someone using a device that could theoretically fly to the moon with an older IOS takes. As soon as you sign up a photo or you are not anonymous anymore. You can only buy sim cards with ID meanwhile know radio providers exactly where you are and with which device. You just use google weis google where you’re driving around and what you’re doing. where you live everything.
you really want to be annonymous buy an old taste handy ca 2010 and buy ne sim from Czechia. no camera, no gps just radio phone, and if you do what’s not that great. sim out and handy away.
You put it perfect. To do it again, it will go wrong at the latest with the IMEI phone number, even if you somehow manage to charge an operating system without any spyware
I told you that I’d put the account with fantasy names. SIM card does not come in or pre-registered. There are enough countries that offer it. And as long as I don’t enter personal data like my name or address into my smartphone, what should Apple or Google start with my searches, photos and audio recordings? The data collected must not be assigned to my person.
If any organizations want to spy on me looking for my Google or iOS account. And if that doesn’t exist, it’s all in vain.
we answered 1a to your question. If you can’t understand, I’d love to dance to you. The core of your question was anonymity when using an Iphone. There’s no more than we told you. Furthermore, please inform yourself what a Narcissian person is before you here with terms for you that will only make you look embarrassing.
Hahah okay.
Thanks for the tips. 👍 But I have nothing criminal. No one gets caught.
And whether something is necessary or not, I decide as a questioner. And so far my original question remained unanswered. Too bad there are so many Narcissists who simply ignore the questions and write their must under them.
An explanation is not necessary by @Luffy. It’s the facts he tells you. Kp what you have with your phone, but with a new smartphone you’re never anonymous. Believe him or believe in at the latest when (whoever) they catch you.
Rules are always the same.
Old phone without much software best until 2010. The old with mini display and buttons. With foreign unregistered (in DE you have to present ID) sim card. Then, if you phone the phone and that only in one place, for example Munich. At the latest after 1 week phone and sim change. No phone calls stationary and from the same way. Phone only to turn on to phone. Otherwise, you can determine exactly where you are duch (is giving quite wild technicians) distance to the transmitting mast, angle of the waves as they reach the mast (good to adjust the height in which you are located) etc.
Since packaging is transmitted in DE and the transmission masts are nodes, packets are intermediately stored up to further transport in the case of masts, as a result can be listened to. When you listen, you’ll find out if you’re on railway trains, malls, car, etc. Pick up your sim card with cash. Keep away from Wlan etc.
Good luck. That was my last advice and Luffys also believe.
You just say it is. You didn’t explain anything.
I think that’s good enough to explain. If you don’t want to believe me, of course you can also live like that.
I told you I’d use a pre-registered prepaid SIM from another country.
That’s why the old data on the network still leaves no conclusions about what I will do with my new smartphone in the future, as I build a new ecosystem. I told you I didn’t call my name with the new smartphone.
When I pay the smartphone bar and insert a pre-registered prepaid SIM, nobody has them IMEI.
How’s that going? Supposed a fictional buddy Uli put a photo of our clique on holiday in Egypt two years ago. How should this image now lead to my new smartphone and location?
Yes, as far as I know for the contract.
Yes, because it’s probably where you live. And as long as you don’t move, change your job, etc, your data will be merged anyway.
Apple and her diagnostic data already. And they’ll get out of here.
As before, there is a corralation between your face and the location of your phone, so the knowledge is who you are.
To buy a smartphone at Mediamarkt or wherever you want, you do not need to specify a name.
It doesn’t matter what data I have in the network. The new smartphone is in no way connected with it.
The organisations or authorities can also not see which IMEI has my smartphone.
If someone makes a picture of me and puts it on the Internet, how should the influence on the anonymous use of my new smartphone have?
So you want to buy a phone with a wrong name in a media market? Is that Illegal?
And even if you somehow manage to delete ALL data from you that are currently on the net, they don’t even need your name to track you, they just need any account, number, or anything that can identify you (the IMEI number of your phone). Then no one needs your name, even if it’s found out at the end, because someone will already make a picture of you that can be assigned to you by the constant pings of your phone. Apart from the data already on the Internet.
And as I said, the name doesn’t give a shit, some account is enough
Yeah, he’s 100% right. This cell phone picks up without you switching on. Camera and micro are always passive. With a modern smartphone you can tie a light torch to your head.