Kann ich die Steuernummer meiner Eltern angeben oder muss ich eine neue beantragen?
Ich habe letztes Jahr einen Ferienjob als Schüler gemacht und will mir mit der Steuererklärung die abgezogene Lohnsteuer zurückholen.
Ich habe noch nie eine Steuererklärung gemacht, weshalb ich mich frage, ob ich die Steuernummer (nicht die Steuer-ID) vom Steuerbescheid meiner Eltern übernehmen kann oder direkt eine neue mit der Erklärung beantragen muss.
PS: bin volljährig und noch Schüler
Danke im Voraus 🙂
No, you can’t
You just give a tax return for you and release the field with the tax number, the FA will restart you and tell you a tax number.
As a simple employee, you don’t have to ask them in advance, just give the explanation and good.
Then I’d just ask for a new tax number at the beginning, wouldn’t I?
Depending on how you make the explanation, you simply have to leave the field or select “Without/new”.
Thanks again 🙂
This may be the responsibility of the country, which is quite normal.
You must submit your statement to the FA responsible for your residence
Since you know well, I’d have another question. The pay tax was paid to a tax office which is not responsible for my place of residence. Which tax office do I have to give? Me or what the tax was deducted from?
ok many thanks
Since you obviously didn’t pay anything, it doesn’t need any explanation.
You have your own tax ID. It’s on your payrolls, too.
I believe it was actually meant the tax number, not the ID
No, you can’t, because the pay taxes are over your tax number. If you were registered as an employee and paid taxes, you also notified your tax number to your employer and would have to know it.
The only thing I sent to the employer is my tax ID but not the tax number, which is why I don’t know it.
Did you get an income tax decision from your employer?
Income tax rulings come from the tax office, not from the employer.
Do not get from the AG
You got everything you need
Rather unlikely, not even if his AG was the FA!
He also does not have to inform his AG of the tax number.
I have only received the pay bill and the pay tax certificate, but no income tax decision
Everyone has / needs their own.
You need your own!