Kann ich die Nudeln noch essen?
Hab Nudeln am Sonntag gekocht. Seitdem waren sie in eine4 geschlossenen Box im Kühlschrank.
Leider stand die Box am Montag Nachmittag mal für ein paar Stunden nicht im Kühlschrank.
Kann ich da heute noch was von essen?
Should be alright, because now there is no summer and the noodles have not stood in the sun; I’d still get rid of her…
Hi, JMsummer.😊🎄
Whether the noodles are still good or not.
I wouldn’t be able to eat them with appetite anymore.
I think you cooked new ones too.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
No more good
They are nix more
Please dispose!
rubber ball
No, please.
I wouldn’t.
Sparkling and testing
If it tastes good then the noodles thoroughly roast, then it should be okay.
Salmonella, botulinum and some other really bad bacteria aren’t smelled.
No, throw them away!
Usually nothing should happen, just smell and taste. If everything smells good and doesn’t taste sour, it’s okay.
Salmonella, botulinum and some other really bad bacteria aren’t smelled.