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2 months ago

and found Dan

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Minimum date

Minimum durability date. This is a duty in the entire EU, but it does not necessarily have a power to say.
Salt, for example, lays forever in any mountains before it is mined. And after the degradation, should it have an expiry date?

This is similar to the liquids. There’s nothing wrong with proper storage.
If nicotine is present, this decomposes, the liquid becomes brown and the concentration drops. But as long as the liquid does not become fluffy, it is still usable after many years.

With one-way devices, however, you have a problem with the battery. It does not last forever and loses its charge even without use by the creeping current always present in the device.

Why one buys one way if one can already get smart multi-way devices for small money, with which one can save money in the long term….

2 months ago

Is somehow comparable to schnapps that does not run off 😉

The liquid is self-conserving and the battery is never going anytime, but as long as it goes you can safely steam.

2 months ago


The beer is permanently packed in front of everything