Kann ich dem TÜV mit einer Anzeige drohen?
ich warte nun schon seit Monaten auf einen Termin zur Praktischen Fahrprüfung beim TÜV Rheinland und kriege einfach keinen. Da ich aber die Kosten für die Prüfung schon bezahlt habe, müsste ich ja sowas wie ein Anrecht auf die Leistung des TÜVs haben. Daher meine Frage ob man dem TÜV irgendwie per Anwalt drohen kann um möglicher weise endlich einen Termin zu bekommen.
The legal basis is comparatively simple:
I think you don’t have an appointment, it’s just because nobody’s free. try again with polite but certain approach.
and, above all, explain whether there are any frists, not that you can get off the front again.
They don’t exist.
An ad is bullshit because there is no crime.
At the very least, you could charge as much as 4 percent interest, as the TÜV is already working with your money without providing a performance. Albern is still.
Sure you can threaten. Advises to entertain the staff
My question is more whether there is a legal basis, which could really sue.
You should ask a lawyer for a first consultation
Ads always go and everything, but your project will probably go back…. Unless you want the examiner to look over a shoulder look or you’re gonna fall through because he finds other mistakes.
Where should a crime be given?! If you can write, you can always complain.
Not overdoing 😀
The driving school should be able to settle this for you.