Kann ich das Sigma 50-150mm 1:2,8 EX HSM II APO DC mit Adapter auch an neuere APSC Canon Kameras verwenden ohne Einschränkungen?

Bei normalem Gebrauch….kein Profi…

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10 months ago


The Sigma AF chip is now “discriminated” with Canon DSLM as well as with Canon DSLR (restricted). The full performance of the optics can only be used on Sigma and Nikon types. Sigma then solved the “deceleration problem” differently with type III (OS HSM) or with Sigma Sports types. From 2012, Tamron also had a similar trick to Generic AF chip and was then sued by Canon ua for reverse engineering of the software.

10 months ago

yes, that goes. all objective (both from canon as well as from other providers), the ans canon EF, or EF-S bajonett fit and work, with an additional adapter you can also attach to the mirrorless system cameras of the M and R series. most of them even with full functional transmission; with purely manual operation are cheaper (approx. 20 €)

but only on the smaller with APS-C chip, for full format the same applies to the DSLR