Kann ich das Kleid noch tragen?
Sehe ich schon zu dick aus in dem Kleid . Kann mein Bauch natürlich nicht verstecken.
Sehe ich schon zu dick aus in dem Kleid . Kann mein Bauch natürlich nicht verstecken.
Hallo Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und bin um die 174 cm Groß. Ich leide unter einer skoliose von 49,6 grad was also eine starke skoliose ist. Man wird ja etwas kleiner durch die skoliose. Glaubt ihr das ich nach der Operation etwas größer werde oder bleibe ich bei meiner Körpergröße?
Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und bin 1.79m groß. Ich habe sehr lange Beine. Meine Beine (von Boden bis Anfang Bauch ) sind 97cm und bis zum Schnitt ungefähr 91 cm. Mein Oberkörper dagegen ist nur 55cm kurz. Ich finde das sieht sehr hässlich aus. Ist das normal? Oder ist es schlimm?
Also wegen die Bandscheiben die Flüssigkeiten verlieren im laufe des tages scheumpfen wir menschen tatsächlich 1-2 cm im laufe des tages. Aber hab im internet gelesen man schrumpft auch bis 3 cm und das hört sich viel an. Gibt es Menschen die wirklich abends 3 cm kleiner sind also z.b morgens 1,80 abends 1,77 ?
ACHTUNG BILDER! ich hoffe man kann es auf den bildern gut erkennen. ich habe mein piercing ca anfang mai gestochen und es ist alles ganz normal und gut verheilt (würde ich behaupten). jetzt auf einmal fängt der stab an immer ,,länger“ zu werden – also es ist immer weniger haut da. meine freunden (die auch…
Möchte mir mein Labret-Piercing auf 50mm dehnen. Wo kann man das sich in Berlin und Umgebung machen lassen? Für zahlreiche Antworten bin ich sehr dankbar.
I think the dress looks inconvenient with your figure.
I’d wear a little less tight.
Heyy Lea,
I’m naja myself…. a little thicker and weigh about 86 kilos and like to wear even more tight things.
I think that the dress is you and of course you see your belly, but I actually find it quite cute xd
LG Alina:)
Yes, I find the dress chic and in my opinion it’s good for you.
Yes, please wear the dress like that. Your roundings will be great for you
You can wear it – it just fits you.
Small demand: How did you finally decide: Did you go in the dress?
I wouldn’t wear it anymore.
So I don’t like you. But that doesn’t look good. There are different cut dresses that look really good at you.
What’s the matter? It must clearly decrease
Yeah, she was supposed to be… fatish/pummy but fat is something else for me.
If you don’t see FETT, you have a problem!
Yes, of course, she should take off. I don’t get so nice anymore and probably is more unhealthy in the long run.
And I also see fat ^^ Yet I myself count the figure under pumice, the question referred to the dress, and I think it’s just that even if I were to wear it with the figure.
Something more on hips and thighs is usually a rather cosmetic problem. The Belly fat. The depot is the center of the body, medically: visceral fat, is a real health risk – and this is not a problem of a minority.
I would describe myself as a chubby
Of course you can still wear the dress 🙂
Thank you
I don’t think so.
Of course you can still wear the dress. I like woman who is self-confident and like her figure. You don’t need to hide your belly.
She shouldn’t hide him, but work away.
A woman who is thicker/smooth should always be proud of herself and emphasize her curves in everyday life (:
That’s not chubby. That’s dangerous belly fat.
The dress is very inconvenient
You can still wear the dress, but you should work DRINGEND on you.
It’s not aesthetic, it’s health concern!
Take a few kilos!
Thanks for your answer, I will make
Health is more important than “beautiful”.
Something more on hips and thighs is usually a rather cosmetic problem. The Belly fat. The depot is the center of the body, medically: visceral fat, is a real health risk – and this is not a problem of a minority.
Of course, I can, but I wouldn’t wear anything so tight with such a figure, because it doesn’t look good and the problem zone is facing.
Hi Lea, this sounds like a really good figure and you don’t look as hard as you’re written in another place. So if you feel comfortable in it, why not?
I’d wear another dress.
Okay, fortunately, there are
See characteristic problems must only be self-confident
Depends on whether pregnancy is already open. If so, I don’t think so.
So if I were in your situation I wouldn’t do it, but if I saw someone else (you in that case) it wouldn’t interest me at all
Okay, I understand
In her “situation” she should change the diet and run moderate sport so that the belly fat disappears.
You can always wear everything today.
But since most people want to look more positive with their clothes, I wouldn’t recommend it to you.
Candle the dress loose still wear looks pretty
Bit tight but through your curves, it looks pretty like dresses stand you.
Yeah. Especially the belly I find very attractive. So beautiful and round.
Thank you
Belly fat is sick fat.
You look very good
If you like it yourself, why not?
But isn’t it too close to you?
No that likes to be a little closer
Then 👍
My case wouldn’t be, but the only person who needs to like it is you.
Looks stunning. Great dress and great figure.
Thank you
Yeah, it kills you!
Looks chic, but emphasizes the belly
Thank you
Sure you can wear what you want. I think you should stand for your body and that you’re a little thicker or you’ll find the fellow humans sooner or later so why not be self-confident.
lg sarah
Thank you for your answer
Something more on hips and thighs is usually a rather cosmetic problem. The Belly fat. The depot is the center of the body, medically: visceral fat, is a real health risk – and this is not a problem of a minority.
If you feel clear. Find it visually not too thick
Something more on hips and thighs is usually a rather cosmetic problem. The Belly fat. The depot is the center of the body, medically: visceral fat, is a real health risk – and this is not a problem of a minority.
Super unpredictable
It’s figurative
jo, and this is exactly your problem….di figure is massively slipped
and in your case, as already written: super unpredictable
That looks very good when someone likes your figure then he will find something beautiful you don’t need to hide
Beautiful dress and beautiful figure. Fits perfectly together 🙂
Something more on hips and thighs is usually a rather cosmetic problem. The Belly fat. The depot is the center of the body, medically: visceral fat, is a real health risk – and this is not a problem of a minority.
As you seem to be blessed with very good proportions. The above-average abdomen does not worsen the overall picture, rather on the contrary. But even if it looks aesthetically appealing, it looks somewhat uncomfortable and advantageous for mobility due to the tightness of the dress.
Thank you for your answer
And how should a woman look for you so that you could imagine she’s divinating?
It’s not aesthetic, it’s health concern!
Yes absolutely
I thought at the first moment you were pregnant and if that’s not the case, it can be possible that it will come to such confusion. In my opinion, this is the question of whether it bothers you that you can think of it.
Yes ne am not pregnant has always been a food baby
Wear it if you have taken a few kilos. Otherwise not. Looks just awful.
very inconvenient. Take off a lot of kilos, then it fits again
Of course. Proportions vote (Po breasts abdomen)
And this is a very beautiful dress
The proportions GAR NOT agree
In any case, your curves emphasize well:)
The belly is not one of the curves.
No but it surprises me that you don’t get back to such a belly belt, although this is about 80% of women do.
A belly belt makes this much worse in the dress.
I don’t think that makes it better
Well, but if you want to be asked if you’re pregnant, you can wear that…
You can’t wear the dress anymore.
Some kilos have to go down.
That looks nice. Pregnancy is nothing to be ashamed of.
You have a very beautiful body, I really like it.
I think you can wear such a great round body with pride as a woman and show
You might think you’re “just” pregnant because your belly of proportion does not really fit the rest of the body, but then I read in your profile “Eat very much” and I got all clear.
I wouldn’t recommend this dress to you.
Yes in any case, I find beautiful
Looks hot
Thank you
I find you so perfect
Thanks a lot
That’s too close to you.
Find this
I’ll tell you.