Kann ich das kabel auslassen?
Hab 2x usb 2.0 und 2x 3.0 die über 2 gebündelte kabel insgesamt 3 stecker ins mainboard müssen. Den letzten krieg ich wie zu sehen unmöglich rein. Passiert wenn ich den net dranstecke nochwas ausser dass der usb anschluss nicht funktioniert ? 4 usb stecker aber nur 3 kabel, lieg ich recht in der annahme dass der eine große für beide usb 3.0 stecker sorgt ?
The cabling is actually strange. If the intention is, I would say that it is desired that there is only one connection.
If, according to my understanding, it should not be a problem that simply should not be included. In doubt, try out whether the USB-3 ports are running. That should not be the case. Or have you installed something else on the case, which might be controlled? A card reader or something? Then I can imagine that this is going on.
In general, however, I find it crazy that the cable is as it is. And that the USB-2 plug hangs there with such a short cable is perhaps also an indication that you can’t plug both cables in at all…. Ever thought about it? 😁 So maybe it’s designed as USB-3 ports, but if you don’t have a header on the motherboard, you can also operate the ports as USB-2. This would have to be found in the guide to the housing, or wherever the cable comes from.
I would leave it as it is in the pictures. I’m pretty sure everything should work.
In fact, not yet thought about it, sounds plausible and otherwise there is nothing there, thanks for the answer, makes mut 😀