Can I go to our fair this year with this?
So I (was?) have been sick since Saturday and it started with a terrible sore throat (this sore throat is now COMPLETELY gone) I had a high temperature (also completely gone) and then I had pressure on my ears and a bit of a runny nose for the last 2 days (ears are also gone since today) now I still have a bit of a runny nose and a bit of a blockage in one nostril
But our fair is on until August 18th. Can I go at all or not? If so, can I go today? (But I'd just walk around a bit today or tomorrow and not do anything crazy.) Am I considered healthy now?
If you don’t feel comfortable, you can’t laugh loudly or talk a lot and you won’t have much fun anyway.
Take the opportunity to take care of yourself intensively. Make yourself a warm salt bath with a good Essential Oil, cook a linden blossom tea and put yourself in bed. Other natural means are to place gurgel water with ointment, small-cut onions in an old hull next to the bed…. etc. If you have ethereal oils, you can inhale with an appropriate oil and hot water. You don’t think how fast you could get better – maybe in two days. Good luck!
Thank you I went today I’m going to be great again
all 10 days?
I am healthy
If you are sick you stay at home and do not cure the bacteria anywhere
why should you ask? I have no pneumonia or something
You should stay home.
all 10 days or just today?
Wait for it first. Maybe you can go next week.
Then go ahead and don’t ask…
I don’t want to go home anymore, I’ve got too much energy to just lie around