Kann ich bei den Case auch 2 140mm Lüften unten anbringen?
Ich lese da was von (oben 2 140mm aber dann bei unten steht nur was von 2 120mm oder kann ich da auch 140 mm Lüfter verbauen?
Above fit three 120 or two 140mm fans and below only 2x 120mm. There is also a 120mm fan on the rear wall. Is there clearly, in the case specifications:
In addition, two 120mm fans can also be mounted on the floor.
However, this is a μATX case, in which only μATX and ITX motherboards fit, but no ATX motherboards.
mfG computer tomb
yes I know
do I think it’s funny to fit the top 140 in and at the bottom only 120 isn’t that worse for cooling when less air comes in and more is pulled out?
because the 140 can pull out more than the 120 can get in
Air is sucked into the housing in even more places, not only where the fans are. The whole case is like a Swiss cheese.
In addition, only 120mm fans can find room at the bottom, because the motherboard also comes. Up to the top, however, the motherboard is not enough and therefore 140mm fans fit.
Basically, you’re right, at the same speed of rotation, the 140s can pull out more than the 120s, but that’s not dramatic, because this creates a vacuum airflow.
The 120s, however, can get exactly as much air in when they turn a little faster than the 140s.
yes which is 35cm high I can’t take a higher one, that doesn’t fit in the box anymore
Yeah, what do you want me to say is just that, that doesn’t help me.
Get a reasonable case.
Then look for another case.
achso, yes, they’ve been really fucking
yes that’s clear to me, but I would like to install the fans
https://www.alternate.at/be-quiet/Silent-Wings-4-PWM-120x120x25 housing fan/html/product/1855069
https://www.alternate.at/be-quiet/Silent-Wings-4-PWM-140x140x25 housing fan/html/product/1855076
the 140 are so extremely quiet but the 120 is so easily audible again and the fucks off, which you can really only build 120 down there, this is such a shit
If there’s 120mm, there’s only 120mm. Why do you even want fans downstairs? To suck more dust?
äääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää because one can only mount at the bottom and top of the housings, there are no front fans :))))))
Then buy yourself a smart case instead. I don’t think of cheap cases anyway. I believe that everything below 100€ is garbage anyway.
that’s too high, I want the PC to fit under my shelf, that already has a reason why I take such a case in size, have a height of 38 cm under my shelf and the asus fits in, the bequeak does not
Then take the BeQuiet 500DX, my son also has and you don’t need any additional fans.
zzzzaaaaaahahah Believe me the Asus case is topp, my 30€ doess today and is 7 years old.
Check out the positive reviews and watch YouTube videos that are all very enthusiastic about it.
and thus a μATX housing is usually always cheaper than an ATX housing 🙂
I’ve already sampled a lot of cases and whether now 50€ or 200€ may fall away the screws that make it easier to build, but otherwise it’s so much of………sheiß….egal which case. NZXT, Asus, be quiet build all good things.