Kann ich auf ein Konzert wenn ich in einer WG wohne?

Ich (w/14) gehe bald in eine Wohngruppe und nächstes Jahr geh ich auf ein Konzert das an einem Mittwoch ist. Darf ich dann auf das Konzert?

(Ich werde 15 sein zur Zeit des Konzerts)

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1 year ago

What exactly does a WG have to do with it?

Parents decide and can give you permission. If you don’t have a guardian, you can probably not be on the road for more than 10:00.

1 year ago

The supervisors decide in individual cases.

1 year ago

since you are a minor, decide that the guardians

Thursday should be school – so looks bad

1 year ago

Probably depends on what time you have to be in the apartment group in the evening. There are certainly prescribed times.

But you will certainly be able to make an exception for an evening, but you have to ask before.

But if you can have a concert with 14 without parents. Isn’t that legal?

1 year ago

It’s hard to say. Depends on the order that prevails in this group.