Kann ich angezeigt werden?
ich war heute Nacht mit meinem Auto unterwegs und bin mit einem Kollegen nachhause gefahren. Er war die ganze Zeit vor mir in seinem Auto, bis ein Auto zwischen uns beiden kam. Ich wollte das Auto dann überholen und habe nicht gesehen, dass vorne mitten auf der Straße sich ein Bordstein befand wo ein Zeichen mit einer Pfeile drauf steht, die nach links signalisierte (sieht man eigentlich sehr oft, wenn man abbiegt). Der Punkt ist, ich habe das nicht gesehen und befand mich schon bei dem Überholvorgang, ich musste dann beschleunigen und als ich wieder in die rechte Spur zurück wollte, musste ich dementsprechend bremsen sonst hätte ich die Rückseite des Autos meines Freundes erwischt 😐. Der Abstand zwischen dem Auto, das ich überholt habe und dem meines Freundes war nicht besonders groß und als ich reingefahren bin musste das Auto, das ich überholt habe bremsen, er hat danach gehupt und hat das Fernlicht angeschaltet. Er fuhr dann ein Stück hinter mir her, die ganze Zeit mit dem Fernlicht an, bis wir zu einem Stoppschild kamen, wo ich nach links und er nach rechts abbiegen musste. Als er neben mir stand, habe ich versucht mich zu entschuldigen, weil das was ich gemacht habe richtig dumm war. Ich bereue es wirklich zutiefst.
und jetzt die Frage, kann er mich deswegen anzeigen bzw. würdet ihr jemanden deswegen anzeigen ? Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
Theoretically, you can always be displayed, some people also stand out for things that they have blamed themselves or which were no problem at all. Here in this case, however, you made a mistake and committed a violation. It is difficult to prove. Statement against statement and so.
Yes I shouldn’t have done it, would never have happened in the normal case. I actually wanted to overtake my friend and not the other car, was a really stupid action from me, but what can I tell you it was late and I didn’t really think about it. But I’ll have some stress for the next few weeks.
You’ll have the stress, and it’ll probably help you learn from the mistake. But honestly, I don’t think there’s something serious going on.
I have just seen a case where someone was displayed because he has exceeded the speed by 12 km during the overhaul process, without any danger. I have also really experienced social overhauls on the highway and have never come to the idea of showing someone because I myself know that I make many mistakes and that something like this can happen to me today. He was adorable, but right.
I know what you mean 😂. But even then he was probably too busy with being angry to notice the license plate. And this is usually just hot air.
Yeah, I have, I don’t think about anything else. Theoretically, an ad is not worth it in such cases, I would not reimburse myself, but if that was an old man… you know.
Of course, he could show you, but the evidence is very difficult, so under the line not much will come out.
I don’t think he will.
Such situations will happen more often in your car driver’s life, but where then you are at his place.
Some make this deliberately stupid, others turn out to be lacking driving practice.
Keep your eyes and ears open and do not risk driving.
Yeah, I’m getting better to watch. Thank you for your answer!
The effort is not worth it, I would display all those who threatened me or forced me, then I would already have my own police officer who would only be there for me.
Be glad nothing happened next time you do something like that can end it differently.
You’re right, I’ve already learned from the mistake. I am also in the trial period and have not much experience, even less when it comes to assessing. Normally, I would never have come to the idea of overtaking the car, but yes, stupid things are happening. I hope the thing was eaten fast for the overhauled and nothing serious about it. Anyway, thank you for your answer. I wish you what 😉
There’s no one to show you because it’s insane. Why? What is the evidence?
Maybe he had a dashcam or witnesses in the car, I wouldn’t show anyone for it, in the end it’s just a waste of time, but there are people who see it differently.
Pille. No public interest. With such a laplana, his dashcam would not use him.
Apart from that, your overhaul was completely expressed for the ton and anything but smart, mild. But you have to say that in all clarity. If it had been banged, you would have looked pretty stupid from your laundry
Thank God there are always as positive/optimistic people as you. But if you have evidence and are shown it is always difficult, I hope it remains a lapland and that I have produced nothing more than hot air.