Kann ich als Mutter im Namen der Kinder klagen da sie noch unter 18 Jahre sind?

Hallo zusammen … ich habe jetzt eine etwas kompliziertere Frage und hoffe das mir irgendjemand helfen kann … mein Ex-Mann ( wir haben aber ein super freundschaftliches Verhältnis ) hatte einen schwereren Verkehrsunfall lag vier Wochen im Koma und wurde dann in eine Klinik zur Neurologie verlegt … davon sind wir ca 30 Minuten entfernt was es uns super ermöglicht ihn dreimal die Woche zu besuchen was seinen Jungs ( 10 und 13 Jahre ) sehr wichtig ist … jetzt habe ich heute erfahren das die Eltern ihn in eine andere Klinik verlegen lassen wollen, weil die Klinik anscheinend zu wenig für ihn tut. Die neue Klinik soll 200km einfacher weg entfernt sein … das ist für mich natürlich dann nicht mehr dreimal die Woche zu stemmen … da kann ich froh sein wenn wir es einmal im Monat schaffen Schule und alles muss ja auch trotzdem laufen … jetzt zu meiner Frage: gibt es eine Möglichkeit das ich im Namen der Kinder dagegen vorgehen kann … ich als Exfrau hab natürlich keine Chance aber im Sinne der Kinder, das wird sie psychisch irgendwann fertig machen ihren Papa nur noch so wenig zu sehen … Ich habe mir an den Eltern wirklich schon den Mund fusslich geredet … ohne Erfolg 😪

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3 months ago

It’s more important he’s getting healthy. You can’t always pay attention to others.

3 months ago

there is a possibility that I can take action on behalf of children

Why do you want to do it? This is not about you and not about your children right now… That sounds so mean, but no. Your ex-husband’s health should be at the forefront and if the other clinic should be better, then I ask myself what you are waiting for. And you want to do it?? I find absolutely selfish. The most important thing is that your ex is now healthy, absolutely highest priority. The time after that you can still catch up.

3 months ago

If the man is still semi-responsible, the decision should have its approval.

3 months ago
Reply to  Littlethought

That’s exactly what I see.

3 months ago

This will bring nothing realistic, because it has the person who is currently responsible for health care / for which precautionary powers exist.

No court would be pleasing for the children when it comes to ensuring better care in the other clinic. It is of course a pity for the children, but one should not want to be so selfish at the place and the laying really contradict.

(Edit and so by the way – Just until the lawsuit reaches anyone and what is done, realistically go 6 to 12 months. Nothing will happen before the laying)

3 months ago

Hm, so I can’t be angry with the parents, of course they want their son to be given the best possible care?

3 months ago

Since your ex cannot make your own decisions, he had either a precautionary authority or a care was initiated. Then his parents were ordered as supervisors and can therefore determine.

It’s about the best solution for your EX. In my opinion, your approach could be at the most that this decision does not take place for the benefit of the supervised person.

I hope, however, for your guys that you interpret their characters correctly. The fewest children can handle such a burden. Hospital, ventilation, hoses, the collected fates on a neurological station

Can they really connect the person who is now there with the father they know. Neuro possible brain damage, physical changes.

If I were the patient – I wouldn’t want my kids to see me like that.

3 months ago

I think the well-being of the patient is in the foreground and not the need of the children.

3 months ago

Do you want the father of your children to get better?

If you try to sue on behalf of your children, this would delay a possible laying very far. And this could also unnecessarily extend the healing process of your ex.
Because you probably won’t succeed.
And then you didn’t just spend unnecessary money, but also hesitated the healing unnecessarily.

If the other clinic can help him better, that’s good.
His health should be more important to you than your children’s visits to their father’s sickbed.
Because as soon as he is healthy again, the sooner he can be there for his children.

3 months ago

Lag is four weeks in the coma, he’s responding again?

What does he say?

3 months ago
Reply to  Kaempferin287

Can he communicate differently?

Blinzeln- once = yes. twice = no e.g.

3 months ago

Good luck!