Kann ich als Kleinunternehmer mit der §19 Regelung auch 2 Firmennamen benutzen?
Ich schreibe eine Rechnung als Fa. Hausmeister Anton an Firma Xyz und eine andere als Hausmeister Klaus an die Fa. Zyx . Alles läuft aber über die selbe Adresse und Steuernummer . Würde es Probleme geben?
Then you have a business, so the one tax number.
And to the small entrepreneur’s system: It has nothing to do with it, it concerns only the turnover tax and you as an entrepreneur.
Even if you have 2 or 100 trades in parallel, you’re just an entrepreneur (not 2 or 100). All sales of all companies are included in the relevant sales limits.
You can also have 25 companies
You’re an entrepreneur only 1x, your company includes everything you do independently.
Thus, all your sales are combined, you are within the limits of §19 UStG, so you can continue to use the small business organization scheme.
As long as the individual companies are not companies, this is not a problem.
Sales are added only for the calculation of the VAT duty.🤷