Kann ich als Junge mit Spitzenschuhen tanzen?
hallo ich bin bin männlich, 14 Jahre alt und tanze Ballett.
Ich durfte jetzt vor kurzem mal bei ner Trainingsstunde Spitzenschuhe ausprobieren und das hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Meine Ballettlehrerin hat auch gesagt ich mache das sehr gut für das erste mal und dafür dass ich ein Junge bin und ich würde gerne weiterhin mit Spitzenschuhen tanzen. Jetzt frage ich mich ob das als Junge geht oder ob ich weiterhin mit normalen Ballettschläppchen tanzen soll?
Hoffe ihr könnt mir da weiterhelfen
At my ballet school, one of the advanced (male) has recently also started dancing with top shoes.
I think a bit of a change in the ballet scene now. I have the impression that it e.g. on Instagram there are more and more male dancers who also train top dance. So it doesn’t seem to be as severely separated as before.
I’d like to try. Should be very force-consuming and painful. But I think my span isn’t good enough.
In fact, as a young or a man, you should not dance at the top because this is actually a lot heavier than with women and now there was no man at the top of the performances
Dornröschen and so… are usually danced by a woman. There are of course Travestie-Ballett – e.g. the Trokadéro de Monte Carlo.
In the classical ballet, gender is not so far that gender doesn’t matter in the role distribution – and I hope that remains so.
So first you can wear everything you want, whether you’re a girl or a boy. This has nothing to do with it. Everyone can wear what you want
Just do it if you can.
That goes even if man is a boy you don’t mind what you like
Personally, I think you’re doing this, your teacher thought you did it, you did it and I’d be happy if you keep doing it.
If your ballet teacher doesn’t say no, it’ll work.