Kann ich als Deutscher Manager jetzt in Argentinien einen Super guten Job bekommen?
Ich will mich als Deustcher in Buenos Aires auf Manager Positionen bewerben. Hie rbin ich nur ein Angestellter.
Als Deutscher bin ich unten wertvoll und verspreche den Argentinier dort ein Wachstum, Disziplin und Ankurbelung der Wirtschaft und mehr Umsatz.
Jetzt kann ich dor tunten gleich als Manager beginnen oder?
I believe that you will live under the bridge abroad – that is far away from Germany’s social school and educational emergency – as many who continue with this attitude and no longer get home.
Even if there are many insane, this would be possible in pure theory. But you must be able to show things.
You should be able to speak Spanish fluently, can you?
You need to work in a company that is also based in Argentines? Is that you?
You shouldn’t just be an employee in your company, but at best take a partner position, are you?
You should have contact with the partners in Buenos Aires (e.g. through former international customs meetings or already practiced cooperation)
Another possibility would be that the company is active there for German-speaking residents (often at law firms). Then you’d have the opportunity to be moved there as an employee. But only the best associates are chosen. Even if there is an internship abroad in Buenis Aires, it is likely to be accepted.
This is a troll, initially known as ArunKong.
What are you talking about?
I was in business for a long time, Azubi, managing director but elsewhere I don’t want to live.
You just have to find someone who pays you for your performance, but if you just say you can do anything, you can also hire an Argentine. Why would this be worse?
Your spelling does not necessarily prove a top qualification. I think it’ll be difficult for you.
What makes you think that you have a higher leadership skills in Argentina due to your origin than your own people?
Fs lives in GTA
Sure. They’re looking forward to your visit. Then there’s something to laugh.
Must be 16 years old.
I am full year
Then you’re just blinded.